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IndiGo: Man says he hacked airline website to find lost luggage

A man says he was forced to hack into a domestic Indian airline's website to find his missing luggage ( 기타...

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As always, customer service is the airline's lowest priority--in a business where serving customers is its raison d'etre.
While I was a flight attendant I always told people our pax are our "bread and butter." Without them we'd have no job. I used to tell my pax the same thing, especially when I worked United Express flights and United wanted pax to fill out forms about their experience. I came out with a favorable rating. My experience as a passenger on different airlines and as a former Air Transportation Specialist in the Air Force gave me a great opportunity to stick it to the airlines as a big FU. Plus I had a bet with my former boss after we got laid off from the industrial construction world that I'd be fired in six months because of my anger issues. Lol, I lasted 4 years but my wife had health issues and I couldn't be gone all the time and had to resign. My former boss still didn't pay me the bet, but unfortunately he passed away years ago. Great times though.
This gives me shivers. What about credit card data and other personal information? An airline this sloppy with their electronic security is a "no go" with me.


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