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Airbus is planning to increase A320 production in 2023

Airbus is planning to increase production for its single-aisle narrowbody A320-family jets in 2023, according to the planemaker’s CEO, Guillaume Faury. Airbus plans to roll out 65 jets per month by the summer of 2023, Faury said during a recent news briefing, which was reported by Reuters. ( 기타...

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mbrews 1
Would be more informative if it itemized the 65 jets per month production among the various Airbus manufacturing locations - Europe , Mobile Alabama USA, and China plants.

If evenly spread, would be roughly 22 jets per month per site .....
Yes, would be good to know how the rate increase from whatever it is now ( not mentioned in the squawked article ) up to 65 will be apportioned among the four assembly locations. Now the lion’s share of A320-series planes roll off the Toulouse and Hamburg assembly lines, smaller numbers from Mobile (mostly for N America customers) and Tianjin (mostly for Chinese customers). I’ve read that the former A380 production facility in Toulouse is converting to A320 production.


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