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How 2 Aircraft Landed Unassisted In Washington After ATC Fell Asleep

In a high-pressure, safety-driven environment like an air traffic control tower, employees must retain constant vigilance. After all, effective communications between aircraft and the tower can ensure the safety of those onboard planes and those on the ground in their general area. In March 2011 air traffic control was absent as two aircraft had to land unassisted in Washington. The reason? A controller had fallen asleep. Let’s take a look back at this alarming incident and what circumstances… ( 기타...

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bdarnell 11
Breaking news. From 2011.
What the video regrettably failed to point out is what the "failsafe" backup radar coverage was and who, if not the sleeping controller, monitored that; and secondly, how the American and United flights coordinated their unassisted landings. In other words, the real meat and potatoes of this story was simply passed over.
Most likely the two Captains let each other know their positions and intentions, just like an uncontrolled field.
Unfortunately,exhausted employees are not unusual in aviation.
Most likely the two Captains let each other know their positions and intentions, just like an uncontrolled field.
Unfortunately,exhausted employees are not unusual in Austin.
JUST ANOTHER vfr flight into an uncontrolled airport. Just like in primary training.... A golden oldie which has not repeated itself lately. Thanks for the memories....Why are there so many airliners on the ground here???


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