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F-35s Have Debuted At Greenland’s Strategic Thule Air Base

F-35A stealth fighters from the U.S. Air Force have, for the first time, deployed to America’s northernmost military base, at Thule in Greenland, where they took part in a North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) exercise that ran from January 15-31. Located 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Thule Air Base is playing an increasingly important strategic role in regards to Russia, in particular, which is looking to expand its capabilities in the region, while U.S. officials have been… ( 기타...

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Worst kept secret. While America was building Thule, we had Alert up and running with all the necessary radar units to detect launches. HOBO28 changed a lot of lives in 68. Just about all the villagers who helped clean up the broken arrows died. They couldn't bury the bodies. They had to move my wife's family and the remaining villagers to Qaanaa 60km north of Thule.
matt, a tale most have never heard and a sobering read about an event that I never knew occurred. Thank you.


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