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Looks like someone just landed themself a spot on the Selectee list...
I think Danielle acted very calmly and she done the right thing by alerting the flight attendant.
Paul Cline 0
That's why gawd made bullets....stop the gene pool now!
Maybe form a complete response....that's understandable T
I think the "dumb ass" learned his lesson; of course at the expense of everyone else. As far as I am concerned (and I can consider myself as a onetime "dumb ass) all drunks are "dumb asses.
TTail 0
he got banned because its extrememly expensive to divert a flight for any reason.
TTail 0
@scott and that would be after being groped by the TSA?? *trying to be funny* did it work??
He just looks crazy, sorry - the type of person you don's even respond to.
If he was that drunk, he shouldn't have been allowed to board. time to check everyone ;-)
" everyone before we board you need to blow into this little tube, please have your mouth open and boarding pass ready" ......
at the end of that story the guy says, "I'm a dumbass" No one is arguing with you on that, loser!
you never know who you are going to sit next to, that's what i hate about airline travel.
What's the problem ? Security will watch him and he is vulnerable to attorney is Lockhardt & Gardner (-;
Are people on big, fast, high-flying airplanes in a post-9/11 world hypersensitive? Yes.
Does that make this guy any less of an idiot? No.
@mark tufts if you're going to ban him from trains and buses, you might as well go ahead and ban him from restaurants and parks; it's not going to make any difference. You can put tools like this alone on a deserted island and they'll find a way to make others uncomfortable.
mark tufts 0
the ass should b banned from all trael even trains and busses
Jake Kyser 0
hahaha what is the world coming to
This jerk should be banned from all airlines. Who knows what he will do next?


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