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FAA denies runway zone at LaGuardia shortened

(CNN) -- The Federal Aviation Administration denied Monday charges it had altered a runway protection zone around New York's LaGuardia airport to accommodate a controversial New York City garbage transfer center. ( 기타...

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Can't they find somewhere else to put the garbage center?
""Bird strikes" can cause airplane engines to stall. That's precisely what forced US Airways Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger to make an emergency landing on the Hudson River shortly after takeoff from LaGuardia on January 15, 2009. Sullenberger has spoken out against the New York garbage facility project."

But in the Hudson ditching case, I don't think the birds involved were attracted by garbage.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out birds + planes = disaster. Unfortunately it will take a tragedy to wake up the politians and government officials to realize this. I hope to GOD I don't ever fly into Laguardia.....
99NY 0
I cant help but note that the Dept of Sanitation's North Shore Marine Transfer Facility has been in operation directly beneath RWY 31's final approach for as long as I can remember. In the most recent satellite imagery of that area, you can see the facility has been deconstructed and is in the process of being rebuilt:

To be perfectly honest, the presence of a garbage transfer facility may only add to an already heavy bird strike danger on the RWY31 approach. The worlds fair marina is home to hundreds of seagulls and Citi Field/Shea Stadium's parking lot is usually covered in food litter after games which attracts hundreds of birds.


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