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(Video) The loss of P-51 Big Beautiful Doll at Flying Legends 2011.

The unfortunate loss of surely the most superbly painted Mustang 'Big Beautiful Doll'. Glad that everyone was okay... ( 기타...

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Did he lose elevator authority? I saw the skyraider lose the wing, then a few seconds layer the 51 pilot jettison the canopy, then the 51 went into a nose low attitude. I'm surprised that the skyraider is the one that didn't go down.
the P-51 is beautiful with or without a paint job. however this loss is indeed regretable. no loss of life GREAT
learjet25lafferty right....should have luggish aircraft as a skyraider in air with such a vintage aircraft such as the P-51!!!
hlowden 0
Completely the Skyraider's fault. Makes me mad to see this accident that didn't have to happen.
linbb 0
Cut inside the p51 lost sight due to angle of bank should have maintained visual on the P51 during the break. Very lucky that he got out.
Chalet.....My thoughts to!!!
chalet 0
Glad that there were no victims. Whenever one of these warbirds have an accidents it is very painful, almost as it I own them.
Looks like what looked like a Skyraider pilot, did know he was at full power when he hit the P-51!!!
Wow... glad he made it out.


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