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"I'm coming to Paros" - How Steve Jobs relied on General Aviation

In a testament to the invaluable role of general aviation in today's business world, Fox's Filmed CEO Jim Gianoplos shares a story about the tense and contentious negotiations between Fox and Apple in 2006. Gianoplos writes: " a respite from Relentless Steve, I sneaked off to my annual retreat on the tiny island of Antiparos, near Paros in Greece. I thought I was safe. But not from Steve. He stalked me, eventually sending this e-mail... I'm coming to Paros" ( 기타...

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Jesus Wallace you are right. This thing has a range of 5800 miles! Enough to get you to Edinburgh or Glasgow:)
No problem as I agree with you, is just that I am not so much against Europe. Still North America with all its shortcommings is by far the best place to live. (Period)At least here we can dream and if we push it maybe buy the G5!
chalet 0
Silicon Valkley moguls seem to fancy G5s (Oracle's Ellison, Microsft Balmer and others) but if you really want to fly non-stop to Paros, Paris and other beautiful places in Europe (sorry Wallace) in real style and confort you have to emulate Google's top execs taste: a 767, refurbished after 10 years in airline service, but who cares. They had some initial layout disagreements (what can you expect if they never started like normal human beings with a Piper Super Cub or a 152). Click this url to read that saga
Range of g5 probably about new York to Paros. Ha ha. I get touchy when I think someone is slighting US. My ancestry is Scottish and I am so happy they decided to leave there. Canadians and Americans probably have a better life with more opportunity than anyone else in the world. Hope we don't mess it up.
This is not the forum to get into politics. If you say that Paris, Rome or London are not beautiful cities I am sorry I have no argument. I live in Vancouver BC one of the most beautiful cities in the world and still compared to the architecture or the treasures that say Vienna or Paris have, we just suck. It is their history my friend. Economy wise we are not far behind them, just look around you; and yes I totally agree with you. Their GA simply sucks. I remember a pilot saying that in Europe you worry only about the big birds but in North America every one has a plane:)
By the way guys what is the range of the G5?
And since this is an aviation forum please tell me about the state of general aviation over there.
They can't throw anything at us. There is a reason all our European ancestors left and came here. Everything here is better and more beautiful and our culture has surpassed Europe by lightyears. I just hope we don't morph into the do nothing culture socialist state of those countries. They are basically all bankrupt and a shell and too many here want to follow their sorry example.
JW Relax, they can throw their culture or their beautiful cities at you and you will fight back with some rednecks?
With the g5 I would go to make the business deal, not to visit Greece. Nothing there that is not twice as good in USA. If the Europeans would stay there it sure would make Disneyworld more pleasant without their rude asses.
He'll, I'd go to Paros too if I had a g5. And I don't even like anything about Europe except Perrier.
chalet 0
Its like a European saying that he does not like the US. Both should stay home. I adore both places.
Ian Smith 0
Yes. One million times, yes.
alistairm 0
I do like "behind the scenes" articles like this. However, i don't see how this is extraordinary or amazing. I am tired of reading posts that seem to portray Jobs as some sort of God. He was a business man at the helm of a billion dollar company and did what he needed to do to make a dollar and keep his stock holders happy. Big deal, he ran around in a G5. what else would you expect? This would fall in the same category of "wow" as stating, "Michael Shumacher bombs around in $300,000 Ferrari!!" Uhhh, yeah, of course he does. Did you expect him to drive a Ford Escort!?
Ian Smith 0
this has next-to-nothing to do with GA.
If that's the case, it's amazing how many GA comments have been posted in relation to this article.
Ian Smith 0
oh, like yours?

it's hardly amazing. you might want to talk about the fact that the name of the LLC he had his GV under was after of a popular beatles lyric.
chalet 0
What kind of a corporate jet(s) did Jobs or Apple for that matter operate.
Nice tail number, there! Leave it to Apple to sweat the details.
dbaker 0
6000nm jaunt in the G5.*
nugget 1
It's difficult to overstate the value to Apple and its shareholders for its executive management to be mobile and untethered by commercial airline schedules. On a Saturday afternoon Jobs could realistically travel to a remote island in Greece to further the negotiations critical to his company's business.

His only concern?

"How do I find you once I get to the airport on Paros?


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