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Boeing's Dreamliner completes first commercial flight

The All Nippon Airlines flight carried its first passengers from Tokyo to Hong Kong. ( 기타...

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preacher1 0
I just will never get used to those flexing(flapping)wings
chalet 0
C´mon Wayne dont tell me that after so many years since flapping wings came out first you can not get used to them. I believe that the DC-3 had some of it but more pronounced flexing was seen as new aircraft were introduced. Flapping/flexing allows for lighter weight and less expensive structures and yet doing the same job as very stiff wings.
preacher1 0
I don't think the 3 flexed that much, and I understand the safety, design and all that. I just said it would be hard to get used to. A B-52 and U-2 would both flex, but not near that much.LOL
Rick Bell 0
Chalet... Believe United is the first in the U.S. scheduled to take delivery. Rolled out of the factory about 2 weeks ago
chalet 0
Rick I think I read that United will not get its first 787 until 2Q12 due to new (or old as well) manufacturing problems. Oh well, I will have to be patient.
The boeing787 is nice aircraft. Do you think so.
chalet 0
I have not seen it in person, although I watched the film in the Imax Theater in the Aviation and Space Museum in DC and it looks beautiful; granted it seemed a bit chubby alright but that should be caused by being a motion picture however friends who saw it at the Paris Air Saloon in Paris last June told me that it is just beautiful, graceful lines, the convexed wings are a sight to see.
I see 787(NH 7872) in HKG , but I think "Disappointed" !!!
mark tufts 0
awesome seeing the first commercial flight of the 787
mark tufts 0
i agree with you chalet as the wings of the dc-3 were some flexing and the newer commercial aircraft have more flexability and are safer
chalet 0
Does anyone know which is the first US airline to receive the 787 and when, I am a bit confused with so many re-re-re-re-scheduling and juggling of delivery slots.
Now that there's all this new innovation maybe U.S. airlines will move from 28" pitch to ANA's 31" pitch in economy and stop cruching customers like cattle.


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