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230-ton Airbus A330 Frozen In Midair

This is what happens when a 230-ton Airbus A330 has the right angle of attack, the right low speed and the right amount of head wind: it gets suspended in the middle of the sky for a few seconds. ( 기타...

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The plane never once stopped relative to ground. It may look like it did because it's approaching the videographer. At that point, the only clue to ground speed is the increase in size of the plane. But it's far enough away that the increase in size is small. Note that when it's passing perpendicular to the videographer it no longer appears to be stopped. The plane was likely going at least that fast the whole time.
mark tufts 0
i thought i would never see anything like that until now
That is really cool. I wonder if your a passenger on board would you actually feel the plane "stop" in mid-air?
No, because referencing my comment above the aircraft is moving normally and only appears to be "super slow" from the ground.
Interesting. Thanks for the perspective.
chalet 0
Wayne Bookout what do you think, they should have "cut-off" all the normal and alternate law stuff and by extension the A/P too so they can do this, otherwise I don´t think that it is possible.
Do some backgrounding on fly-by-wire....
That's exactly what I was thinking -- I know the 'Bus doesn't generally allow the flight crew to, well, fly the aircraft in any way they want -- the system prevents any "unintended danger", so with programming tweaks, could the aircraft perform this maneuver on its own? (Granted, with the request from the cockpit). Or is it like the "stability control" button on cars? Press it and do donuts in a snowy parking lot, with 100% control of the operator.
Wow, they finally have an airliner that flys the right speed to let me eat my brown bag mystery meat special, watch a movie Net-Flix released in 2009 and it will let the F/A's in the cabin time to duck objects in slow motion like episodes of "Chips" in the 80's. But yes I had great fun in my 1st 150 I owned and spent close to 10 minutes on final so they could make 9 Bonanza's do 360's so I could finish my coke before landing. (just kidding, it was only 4 Bonanza's doing 360's)...ok go ahead and beat me up, its a holiday!
Im honestly speechless. Something we all knew was possible, just never seen it actually happen o_0
ITs the same trick you see at airshows... just usually done by an Fa-18 or something....
Very cool. Does anyone know how slow an A330 can go like that?
Despite the looks of moving so slow the aircraft's AIRspeed is actually quite reasonable. It's hard to say since the poster didn't provide the wind speed, but if the weight of 230t is accurate, with a full flaps config, the aircraft could easily be doing 125kts. Most airlines have regulations for landing in high winds. Given that the airport was still open and the aircraft landed I doubt winds were over 40kts. Assuming the worst (that it was pure headwind) that would give the aircraft a ground speed of about 85kts.
Ben Lillie 0
Yeah, its actually going pretty fast. It just looks like its going slow because of the size.
Ben Lillie 0
Those are very skilled pilots. It takes a lot of minute changes in thrust and pitch. I would be nervous if I was the pilot.

That is unreal
Wow! real slow flight, same as a c152 trainer.......
andrewderr 0
“The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.”
― Douglas Adams


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