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Plane makes emergency landing in Frederick, MD field

...approaching Frederick Municipal Airport for a landing when he was told to circle around until the runway was available. He said he ran out of gas in the tank he was using and didn’t have time to switch to another tank, so he had to land. ( 기타...

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Falconus 0
I wonder how much fuel was in the other tank? I've never run a tank dry (and intend to keep it that way); has anyone here had experience restarting an engine in the air? Is it difficult to do?
With prop windmilling it will normally pick right up as soon as fuel supply is restored. Not a given though. One thing to do it at cruise altitude, not a good thing at or near pattern altitude. I'm sure it was unintentional.
linbb 0
The altitude that he was at the next thing one does is pick where he will land there is no time to be fiddling around with fuel selectors until the field he picked was made. At that point he probably was almost on the ground and made a perfect landing like he should have rather than stall/spin in.
Apparantly his attention got focused on the right thing when the engine stopped.
Old plane, tip tanks, probably lots of switchology for fuel.
linbb 0
So you were the all knowing one who was there to do that when the engine quit. Get real not sure if they have a both on that airplane. But hey you never do anything wrong.
kyle dunst 0
Fuel Selector should have been on "both" for landing


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