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A Cold War Spy Plane Just Killed Its Robot Drone Replacement

Reuters reports the Air Force is scrapping the Global Hawk program—which cost the US around $13 billion and ran far over budget (surprise!), in favor of keeping the U-2 flying into 2020. ( 기타...

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99NY 1
Makes sense to me, a Global Hawk isnt really anything more than a U-2 sans pilot. Both are equally prone to being shot down by advanced missile systems but where there are none the U-2 definately has lower operating costs.
Everything old is new again.
alistairm 2
A government program ran over budget!!?? maybe next thing they will do is scrap the bloody F-35 and bring back the Phantoms! lol:)
jkabradley 2
A testament to the boys out at Groom Lake and the Skunkworks


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