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Delta Shuttle fleet equipped with Wi-Fi

Business travelers on the Delta Shuttle between Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C., can now work to their hearts’ content on every flight. Delta Air Lines has installed Wi-Fi on the jets that fly its East Coast Shuttle routes, as well as between New York’s LaGuardia Airport and Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Delta has the largest wired fleet in the world, according to the airline, making up nearly half of the world’s Wi-Fi equipped planes. By this summer, more than 800 Delta… ( 기타...

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That's great news for people using WiFi with iPads or smart phones. Now all they need to is add enough room between rows to allow people like me who need to use company issued notebooks computers. In coach it can require advanced yoga techniques to open and type on the keyboard. And if person in front of you reclines their seat, it's pretty much impossible.

You're not kidding. I'm 6'3" and it's a feat to get the laptop out from under the seat in front of me, if I could type with my elbows I'd be in business!
preacher1 2
I wonder which Regionals and when this summer?
sparkie624 1
Pinnacle has it now in almost all of our 900's All of the CRJ 900's will be complete by spring... Only a few left I believe. I am sure the Mesaba CRJ 900's are getting them as well as we own them now. Delta wants them in all the 900's and probably the CRJ 700's.The 200's are not getting them, atleast not at this time. Not sure about the other carriers.
preacher1 1
You workin' out of KMEM or one of the other stores. If KMEM, might can meet you for a minute next month. Doing KFSM-Kclt as a pax next month.
sparkie624 1
Yeah... But if you are a captain, I may meet you on the phone.. I work MOC, mainly working speacial projects. I used to work Line Avionics in MEM, but got a good promotion.
preacher1 1
Well, normally when I'm thru there I got somebody's capatain's bars on,lol, but as I said next month I'll be passing thru there as a PAX. As tight as the scheduling is, I kinda hope they keep us in A terminal. Probably haven't got much over an hour either way, going or coming, but over will be early morning and back will be early evening so we mighthave a chance to touch base.
sparkie624 1
Let me know when and maybe I can schedule it. I have SIDA RAMP access, so I get get where I need to get.
preacher1 1
10-4, I'll run tthat itineray out this morning. I think it will be on the 21st going but let me look at the time to see if it's even worth trying. I'll let you know later on today.
preacher1 1
I'll be passing thru there KFSM-KMEM-KCLT early morning on the 21st with less than an hour to connect and only about 10 minutes more coming back the next evening. I guess we better pass this When they schedule me that tight, I'm looking for the other gate when I get off. I haven't been thru there as a PAX in awhile. If they keep us in A terminal it won't be bad. Last time I was there, it was from far end of C to far end of A and I just had 35min. Too far, too fast, for an old I just like KMEM so much better than KATL. Normally I'll fly into KGSO but it appears they cut it off direct. All I can do direct is KCLT or KRDU.Don't like KCLT either but it is about the same distance to where we are going as KGSO, just more traffic.


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