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What it's like to fly a fighter jet

No music. No flashy moves. No missile launches. And yet this video is still incredible. It's just flying sequence after flying sequence of Russian Air Force MiG-31s cruising through the sky. Filmed by GoPro cameras strapped to a MiG, this footage is probably the closest we'll ever get to flying a fighter jet. Seeing the world from such a powerful beast of a machine somehow simplifies things. ( 기타...

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Tremendous piece of video. Any commentary would be superfluous!
Just behind the cockpit, a little tower can be seen. This retracts after takeoff. What is it?
Enable ejection seat activation pre rotation. All front line Russian machines are fitted with this system. Much safer than systems in the west. Takes canopy off and boosts rocket ejection.
John Jones 1
Upon further investigation, the rear seat WSO position has a set full flight controls, but no forward visibility. There is a periscope system built into the rear canopy. The mirror for the periscope system is deployed for takeoffs and landings.

The periscope is not part of the Zvezda K-36 escape system.

Some Fouga Magisters have a periscope to improve rear seat visibility for the instructor pilot.
It is part of that are just not aware.
John Jones 1
Then why isn't it on the front seat of the MiG-31, or either seat of the Su-34 or MiG-29? These are all aircraft that use the K-36.
Because this has a different circuit set up. The migs are hand built unlike the way the west does. One machine could have a diff system then the next one and the next one diff again. They are are not series produced. When you pull 'em apart you find all sorts of junk..well not junk but diff circuits. No...they are not the same.
John Jones 1
What I'm referring to is still a periscope. and
You is wired into the ejection seat system. When that tube retracts the ejection firing system changes. The Russian system is complex yet simple, in fact the whole a/c is an engineers delight. Simple yet effective. The parts change model to model often hand crafted on a bench...and certainly they like to keep a few technologies to themselves. You could operate this off a snow field in Siberia...can't do that with western made kit.
This periscope is so the rear seat can take over flight operations during take off / landing?
John Jones 1
Mostly to monitor takeoff and landing for either an instructor pilot or the pilot-rated WSO.
John Jones 1
Is that a periscope that is raised for takeoff and landing?
Although it's a nice video and I do appreciate the technical aspects of mounting the cameras, most of what they did in the flying parts could have been done with a few Cessna Skyhawks.
Only part of the flying really showed the power and beauty of high performance jet flying, the rest was mostly straight and level with some turns.

Watch this video and see the difference between the two. This one really shows what it's like to have that kind of power at your finger tips, to turn your world upside down.
This next video beats the first one 10 time over.

Just ignore the ad at the beginning and watch it on the big screen.

Just love the Mirage.
grude 1
Great video, It was gorgeous
Flying a fighter is certainly a thrill, but I have gotten a thrill from nearly every aircraft I have flown, I fly the fastest privately owned aircraft in the world a mig-23ML, but it was just as much a thrill to fly a crop duster or a helicopter.
So do you ever hit Mach 1? 2? Guess it depends on where you fly it. I'm sure it is fun every time though.
Check out Svetlana tell me where the joy is..
Leo Cachat 1
Watched this yesterday, pretty awesome video.
Makes me really want to sign up for one of those trips to Russia to ride in a fighter.
Check out the CSKA cheerleaders..
bentwing60 1
Makes me really want to sign up to go fly one!
The begging starts once you get airborne. Lol
Right after the max performance climb of course! Lol
Ultimate orgasm
bentwing60 1
Pretty sure I haven't seen a deck angle like that, even in an empty Lear 25. You guys take up a collection, and I'll volunteer! HAH! LOL
I looked one time and the ride, depending on what you choose, is $10k plus. One time I was talking to Sharkbait from the Starfighters and he indicated a ride in one of their 104's could be had for a price. The 104's are rocket ships for sure but not capable of the antics of the more modern craft. Bucket list!!
bentwing60 3
Pretty far down the list on mine. P51 was tops on mine and did it at Cavanaugh a couple a years ago. One fine and unbelievably noisy airplane!
High G turns in a Cessna 150 was all I got in life. But I got a roof and food in my stomach. My Corolla tops out at 115mph and that does me fine...will cruise at 100mph. All I need is a chick 30 years younger than my current and that'll do me.
btweston 1
Let the ethnocentric wanking begin...
bentwing60 1
We don't do no ethno whatcha ma call it around here. We ride Harleys and fly American airplanes!
wanking = whacking off
I've always wondered if Russians think Western built aircraft look as odd to them as some of the Russian designs look to Westerners.

Well the covert Lockheed I saw back in 67 had both anti gravity and anti matter drive...Michael Schratt has pics of it at Mc Dill in FL. Now that was a crazy machine. My DNA is Slav and I just love the Russkie kit. Somehow the Russkie has the edge..just that little bit more growl factor.


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