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Felix Baumgartner 1st-Person GoPro Footage Released -- 5:50-mark is Terrifying (Video)

October 14, 2012, Felix Baumgartner ascended more than 24 miles above Earth's surface to the edge of space in a stratospheric balloon. Millions across the globe watched as he opened the door of the capsule, stepped off the platform, and broke the speed of sound while free falling safely back to Earth. Felix set three world records that day—and inspired us all to reach beyond the limits of our own realities, and reimagine our potential to achieve the incredible. ( 기타...

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I nominate Felix for stones of the year.
No kidding. I can't believe how well he held it together when the rotation was so large.

Incredible. Right after he jumps, look at the fibers in the light on his left leg-- no wind resistance. So cool. Then, at about 80k-100K the fibers start to flutter and the spin initiates. Amazing that he got out of it the way he did.
how in da heck did he get out of that spin?? wow


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