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Queensland pilot challenges CASA over colour blindness restrictions

The Colour Vision Defective Pilots Association ( is making its case in Austrualian court. The issue of color vision has affected many would be, and current pilots all over the world, and the topic is now in the national news in Australia. In Australia, hundreds of color vision deficient pilots who would fail to meet the color vision standards in most other parts of the world (yet fly the worlds most advanced jetliners to and within those countries on a daily basis) have made it to… ( 기타...

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WtfWtf 1
If you know anyone interested in a flying career that has been discouraged by a color vision issue, you should definitely tell them about the Colour Vision Defective Pilots Association ( There is a wealth of information in the forums and it can potentially save someone's career and/or change their life for the better. Right now the battle is in Australia, but the worldwide Aviation Authorities are definitely watching. They paved the way for legal use of Anti-Depressants which would have been unthinkable even 5 years ago.. (The main advantage is to break down the barriers and allow pilots to feel safe when seeking help instead of avoiding it.. you tell me which is safer.) Anyway, color vision is not an on-off thing.. Some have great, some have OK, some have worse, some none at all. Check out the site for more information if interested.
WtfWtf 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Will colour blind pilots be grounded?

If you're colour blind you can fly a plane but possibly not for much longer. Michael Rowland spoke to Arthur Pape who heads up the Colour Vision Defective Pilot's Association.


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