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Emirates locks down order for 150 Boeing 777X jets: 115 x 9X and 35 x 8X

Emirates has signed on the dotted line for 150 of Boeing's new 777X jet, finalising an order worth a staggering US$56 billion at list prices, with purchase rights on an additional 50 777X aircraft. ( 기타...

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They are probably the most popular airline on Asian and South Asian routes, connecting from middle east. Pretty much every flight is packed to capacity.
Navy65 0
Where does Emirates find that many passengers to make these planes profitable?
With ultra cheap fares to take air travelers away from the long established airlines even losing money by doing so. The middle-eastern airlines, with their big oil money pockets can affort to operate in such a manner will ultimately take over world wide air travel. The writing has been on the wall for some time now, has it not.
On the oil fields were all the foreign workers are, that want to travel home for a visit. We could enjoy the same luxury if our oil reserves were not being hamstrung from within!


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