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Low temperature a factor in Boeing 787 battery meltdown in Japan: Asahi

Cold winter temperatures were a factor in the meltdown of a lithium ion battery that caused a Boeing Co 787 Dreamliner to make an emergency landing in Japan last year, the Asahi newspaper said, citing the conclusions of local investigators. The battery meltdown on the ANA Holdings Inc-owned plane prompted authorities to ground the global fleet of Dreamliners for more than three months. ( 기타...

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Electric vehicles have active temperature management for the battery packs to either heat or cool the batteries, depending on ambient conditions. One would hope that Asahi incorporated similar technology into their battery pack.
btweston 3
"Low temperatures can cause a lithium ion battery to deteriorate, resulting in the risk of a short circuit, Kyodo News reported separately. The battery is located in an unpressurized, unheated part of the plane."

Well that's reassuring...
jbqwik 2
Well, duh! Of course, temperatures affect all types of chemistry. Boeing, give yourself a dope slap. And, shame on FAA for their complicity.The hubris of Boeing management, who were well briefed about known problems, is disturbing. The ridiculous "fix" -if you can call it that- is but an expensive band aid that reduces or negates many of the hoped-for benefits. Would be laughable if not such a potentially serious flaw. Wow, I'm full of vinegar today. Anyway, just my opinion...
Well it looks like Reuters corrected themselves, so I guess it's your turn now...

(This story has been refiled to correct August 5 story to delete incorrect reference in paragraph 4 to the battery being located in an unpressurized, unheated part of the plane)
jbqwik 1
I was a consultant on power systems for 42 years. Many times I was asked to advise (batteries were an especially misunderstood / under-appreciated topic), then ignored when it didn't fit with corporate 'goals'. I guess I am sensitive about things like this in certain situations. I apologize if I come-off sounding a bit self righteous. My lips are now zipped..


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