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Drone operators getting out of control?

Over the past couple weeks, commercial aircraft pilots have reported close calls with drones near KJFK ( 기타...

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I'm rarely one to buy into media-hyped airplane stories, but this is an incident waiting to happen, I fear. I recently posted my own article on the topic, here...
I saw a news report in which actual ATC/Aircaft audio was used in the report.
Reckon any of these drone operators have any idea what Class B airspace is or TCAS?
There was a big argument on here some time ago with one poster arguing that the drones were permitted to be in areas that clearly they were not.
There seems to be either a total lack of knowledge on the part of the operators or a willful disregard for said regs.
These incursions will go on until the FAA and federal authorities make arrests and slap heavy sanctions on the offenders.
"Getting"? As if they ever were in control.
When drones are outlawed, only outlaws will have drones.

A well regulated airspace being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and fly Drones may be infringed


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