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Video: L-1011 Wingtip Vortice Test

This 58-second movie clip shows an L-1011 Airliner Wing Vortice test at NASA Langley Research Center. NASA conducted the Adaptive Performance Optimization experiment aboard Orbital Sciences Corporation's Lockheed L-1011-100. The program was developed by engineers at the Dryden Flight Research Center. Dryden was also involved in limited wake vortex studies using an L-1011 in 1977. ( 기타...

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Interesting video. Does anyone know how far the L1011 was from the smoke generators. Seems like it's very close, but the vortices took a long time to appear. Was the "closeness" an illusion?
Merry Christmas Everybody and Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!

Simply amazing how long it takes for an effect. It is different for various AC types but somebody was wondering about turbulence the other day on all the Airbuses flying in formation. This is a good example.


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