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Airbus to Establish A330 Completion and Delivery Center in Tianjin, China

Airbus announced that it signed an agreement with its Chinese partners, the Tianjin Free Trade Zone Investment Company, as well as the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, to establish an A330 completion and delivery center in Tianjin, China. The agreement follows a letter of intent that the three companies signed in 2014.... ( 기타...

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Everyone else in Europe is starting to use China as a source of cheap labor, and China plays the cheap labor card to attract manufacturers to their country. Nothing wrong with that as long as both sides benefit. Airbus building helicopters in America is an example of such a relationship.

The trouble is that if you set up shop in China, your intellectual property walks out the factory gate daily. China has wanted a jet engine so bad they are prepared to bring body-in-white airframes to Tianjin for "completion" so they can get a peeekety-peek at the propulsion system with Airbus engineers teaching them the fine points.
ADXbear 1
I agree with Ric Werniche below.. this is a big trouble for Airbus... keep you labor to yourself and in trusted countries.


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