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10 Things I Hate about AirVenture

The week of AirVenture Oshkosh is almost upon us, and there's little we can do about it. No matter how hard we try to convince people not to go, every year there are hundreds of thousands of otherwise good people who simply won't take our advice. Many of them, or so we've been told, make the conscious decision to attend. Go figure. Those of us in the industry have no such luck. We have to go. This will be my 21st consecutive year of misery. Since there's no way to get out of… ( 기타...

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When I walk the lines of airplanes at Air Venture I think that with all these airplanes, which of these enthusiastic builder/flyers will have perished in the next 12 months. Enthusiasm and dollars spent will not prevent the ultimate loss of life.
When I walk the lines of airplanes at Air Venture I think that with all these airplanes, which of these enthusiastic builder/flyers will have perished in the next 12 months. Enthusiasm and dollars spent will not prevent the ultimate loss of life.
Wow, someones trying a little to hard to be recognized. Must have been a childhood problem.
What is a shame is that this was supposed to always be at RFD, but the city duh-ficials messed that up (Rockford is good at ruining things for itself)
zennermd 1
I also hate it when you are sitting on the flight line trying to watch airplanes land and some stranger walks up to you and you start sharing aviation stories. You end up talking for hours and gain a new friend.
zennermd 1
Speaking of... Listening to Oshkosh tower on liveatc!!! great way to get me pumped up before I go. Oshkosh here I come!!!!!
These complaints are lame! You get to a venue like this to hear and see history! I'll tell ya what to hate about any airshow. "Carnies" (lookin for a job) with NO aviation knowledge what so ever, reading a script at a blaring decibel rate and the fake Top Gun Music that drowns out the sounds of the aircraft. I told one at an airshow once to stfu "I paid and came here to hear Merlins not Morons!" Your list is for airplane haters not airplane lovers! P!ss on you mate!
zennermd 4
I think you missed the point of the article buddy, it is supposed to be sarcastic and fun!
Ain't it the TRUTH!
oowmmr 1
We went last year. The lines are long but there is so much area there is still plenty of room to walk and the buses run all the time. The weather controls what will be there. Most GA had flown out by SAT/SUN. Amazingly a Bleriot and a few cabin class planes stayed probably due to the pilots knowing the weather in the area better. We'll go again trying for better weather.
Craig G 1
Me Either, Would love to go.
The only thing I hate about Oshkosh is that I have never been there!
Me three!!!


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