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Fire breaks out at Boeing's Everett plant

EVERETT, Wash. — A 10-foot by 10-foot fire broke out on the roof of the 40-58 Building at the Boeing Everett plant Saturday night. The 777X building is under construction, but no one was inside when the fire started. Firefighters had a difficult time accessing the fire. The 12-story building was too tall for firefighters to reach using a ladder. ( 기타...

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BaronG58 2
10ft x 10ft fire. That's a campfire in my neck of the woods. :)
canuck44 3
Ironically a good spot for a water bomber.
The Americans wouldn't allow it - it might endanger an owl or somesuch nonsense.
canuck44 4
They only needed a few Newfies to show them how it is done.
linbb 2
Liked the comment it was too high for a ladder, ya think? Could anyone imagine a twelve story ladder?? Am sure there are catwalks up there for service work but still would be a challenge to fight.


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