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Small aircraft lands in water south of Oahu

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - An aircraft ran into trouble mid-flight Tuesday afternoon about five miles south of Oahu and was forced to land in the water. ( 기타...

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If you can circle for two hours, why not land it somewhere that does repairable sheet metal damage as opposed to destroying it by sinking it in salt water? I just don't get the logic. That same landing on grass and he'd fly it out in a month.
linbb 0
One can land a 337 on pavement and walk away from it done with a little care have seen the result. He was smart enough to shut down the front engine before he ditched that's one in his favor. Not much different than a 182RG as they had LG problems in there early years. Know of one that had three gear up landings with the same pilot renting it. Heard he was quite upset about it too.
I bet he was, but not as upset as the owner. After the second gear up, mechanical or not, that would be the last time he rented my airplane. And I have owned an airplane in a rental fleet. And concrete or a grass strip would be preferable to a ditching any day! On a 337 it wouldn't get either engine, nor the wings or flaps. IMHO, he did a great job on the prep. and touchdown, especially the shut down front engine and flattened prop. Guess I just don't think Aussie cause with ANY other options I wouldn't pick water.
linbb 0
No more reparable than in the sea as few ever fly again due to the rough ground not always is smooth grass avalible


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