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Colorado skydivers parachute safely from burning plane

Thirteen skydivers in Colorado parachuted to safety from just 2,000 feet (609 meters) above the ground after jumping from a burning airplane ( 기타...

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Well thats one way to lighten the AC up for an emergency landing.... Everybody, OUT !
This is clear. The FAA must require that all birds larger than a sparrow, be equipped with an ADS-B out transponder. The cost for this innovation will be the responsibility of the Audubon society. They will have 1 year to comply or be grounded.
jbqwik 4
Somewhat misleading headline, agree, but probably wasn't ho hum for the pilot.
Jack370 2
Should be interesting to see the inevitable videos.
Exciting headlines, not necessarily accurate headlines, are what sell stories. Yellow journalism 101.

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linbb 4
It wasn't burning just an engine fire to read the headline one would think that the AC was on fire nose to tail. HO HUM another nowhere story.


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