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JetBlue 262 landed with parking brake on at KSMF on 8/26/2010

This story was found on MSNBC as reported by The Associated Press. ( 기타...

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Donald - be kind to us here in PR while in your glide path.
Semper Fi
Donald, I wasn't thinking of light planes. I fly a 737-400 and we have to depress the brake pedals and pull the parking brake lever to set the parking brake. I'll admit I don't know a thing about the Airbus and wish I was retired, enjoy yourself.
Brian- You're thinking of light planes-Airbus-- all you have to do is "select" the parking brake. A seperate selection is also for the Auto brakes which can be set at either Low, Medium or High. The "NORM" being either low or medium as part of the "landing check" or the "approach check". Threw all my manuals away when I retired!!!! Fly Safe!!
Let's see....UAL flying out of their glide paths, AA with cracks in the bulkheads, RR engine failures on the AB 380's, Jet Blue now with the PKG brake in place, rags stuffed in engines to soak up the excessive oil.............Yep its safe to fly.
Do you have to depress the brake pedal on a Airbus to set the parking brake? If so, I can't think of how this could happen.
spatr 0
USAirways did it in FLL in an A320, also a E170 (USAir feed) did it in HOU.
Ronnie Mc 0
yeah, i know about that, but i thought that jetblue aircraft landed with it P brakes on awhile back? but i might be wrong
AccessAir 0
No, the other time the Nose wheel tyres were turned sideways....thats why they had to divert to LAX becaise they needed to land on a looooong runway.
Ronnie Mc 0
isnt this the second time a jetblue aircraft has done this?


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