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'Was that airliner meant to be underneath me?' Harrison Ford, 74, nearly crashes his plane AGAIN

Harrison Ford had a near miss on Monday when he almost crashed his single-engine Husky plane into a Boeing 737. The actor, who was in a serious plane crash in 2015, had been instructed to land on runway 20-L at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California, NBC News reports. But the 74-year-old mistakenly aimed for a taxiway, just passing over an American Airlines 737 loaded with more than 100 passengers and a six-person crew. ( 기타...

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linbb 1
This type of post is worse than the enquirer as AGAIN? Didn't know he almost did it with the same AC.
What do you expect out of the "dailymail" -- and if any other plane had done this, it wouldn't have made news anywhere!


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