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Small plane crashes in bay off Seattle

nobody injured, looks like a 152. Wonder if it was a training flight gone awry. ( 기타...

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Wish Flightaware staff would do something about the negative squawk people. Almost every Squawk has a pile of negatives. They should start tracking them.
linbb 1
This one got mine due to the speculation of the poster not the crash itself. Post the news release leave the speculating to the FAA or news people.
Who died and put you in charge of who and whom cannot speculate. And I certainly wouldn't trust news people to speculate if the sun rose in the east or not. Your one of the reasons I dont contribute to much. Your more than likely one of those that say if your not an Airline pilot your not allowed to post.
Oh and maybe English isn't your first language. I said I wonder if it was a training flight. Not that it was. I also said something went awry, an engine failure would be something that went awry.
I wonder what happened? A stall is what I'm betting on. Those small aircraft scare me yet I want one.
linbb -1
Posters like you need to find somewhere else to post as you know little about aircraft or how they operate. Go troll youtube.
Ok I'm not going to be rude about this. But do you know how many countless books I have read about aircraft,how many courses I have taken learning mechanics. Maybe I'm not a pilot YET,but in the next few years I may actually have a pilots license. So no I'd rather not troll YouTube. :)


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