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Airbus A319 Evades Ultralight Collision During Initial Climb

German investigators have detailed a serious low-level airprox incident at Stuttgart during which a Germanwings Airbus A319's collision-avoidance system ordered the crew to descend while just 1,200ft above ground. ( 기타...

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Get used to it, unfortunately, as the amateur drones multiply.
Quick thinking captain and first officer likely avoided a disaster, nice work. "BFU says the first officer initiated a descent rate of 1,600ft/min and, shortly afterwards, the enhanced ground-proximity warning system issued a "don’t sink" alert."
"The captain decided that the collision-avoidance system should take priority if the aircraft was at least 400ft above ground..."
At least in the US, an ultralight aircraft is unlikely to have a transponder which would mean there would not be any TCAs RA's.
What in Sam Hill was an ultralight doing in that airspace in the first damned place.
Something stinks here.
I think it'll be easier to get used to "airprox" in place of "NMAC" than it was to say "apron" instead of "ramp."
someone needs to go to jail.
"Pay as you go ATC" in Europe leads to bandit flying under shelves and around airspaces. While I am NOT claiming that is what occurred here - I would not be surprised to find that this is what the Ultralight was up to.
Is this this same incident from some months ago?
Thank you, when it said ultralight, I figured it was one of the cloth wing little motor version.
So it was a actual plane just a very small one.
Aerospool WT9 Dynamic
The same.
If on the same level, wouldn't crossing behind also be risk for the ultralight because of the A319's wake?
I'm sure it would just fold up. Deservedly so...
btweston -1
Do you always talk about people dying in such a cavalier fashion?
When someone calling himself/herself a pilot knowingly and intentionally jeopardizes not just their own life but that of dozens or hundreds of people on a commercial aircraft as well as on the ground, then I have little sympathy if that deliberate act should get them killed.

The only circumstance under which the ultralight would fold up due to wake turbulence would be if a near collision just occurred and a huge tragedy was barely avoided.


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