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Southwest's Keller Wants a Re-Engined B737

Dow Jones on Thursday quoted Southwest Airlines Chief Executive Gary Kelly saying he wants Boeing to re-engine the 737 and saying the issue might lead the all-737 airline to look at other options. ( 기타...

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After riding across the pond twice, Atlanta to Amsterdam and back on a ScareBus A340 all I can say is "If it ain't Boeing, I ain't going". The seat arrangement on KLM's A340's is the pits when compared to Southwest's 737. One airplane, one type rating fleet is about the best idea I have seen in commercial aviation.
joe riehl 0
Is Keller a hybrid of Kelleher and Kelly?
IF SW had bought all the fuel savings available as they purchased each airplane....just think....
And they pay Big Bucks for Muckups.
Murray! You are confused...KLM has never flown A340's. However KLM/Delta do have a fleet of A330's. Agreed they are pretty much identical to look at bar the engine arrangement. As far as type ratings go...Airbus as usual are ahead of the game with a generic one licence flies all models. Think of the flexiblity that gives an airline.....


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