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Boeing tests the first 737-800BCF

The first Boeing 737-800 converted by Boeing into a cargo plane is currently conducting flight tests.On December 19, The American aircraft manufacturer shared photos of the aircraft operating in Victorville, California on its Twitter account. It is a 737-800 owned by the leasing company GECAS. ( 기타...

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One issue with the 737 series, especially with the extended fuselage, is that fact it only has single axle mains. With the weight and cg changes you have on a freighter, a dual axle main is much safer and more stable. Think 757 main gear. Can you imagine losing your two tires on one side???
That's why I think the 757 is the best cargo aircraft for short flights instead of the 737.
S Nervig 1
I think the -400SF carries 10 AAA pallets plus a half container, while the -800BCF carries 11 + half containers - so one additional.
You are correct Kalitta, Southern Air, 737-400 carry 10 full size container last spot P-11, AKE container. Not much of a difference in volume between both aircraft.
I loved working at the ramp with FedEx loading and off loading the 757 aircraft.
I wonder how many containers this aircraft can carry? a 737-400 carries 11 top deck.
From the article :

Twelve pallets (11 standard pallets and one half pallet) represent a loading volume of 141.5 cubic meters on the main deck. This capacity will be complemented by two compartments located in the lower lobe of the aircraft, which together offer a volume of more than 43.7 cubic meters.

Wow she looks good
dee9bee 3
Attention Rampers, don't forget the tail stand...


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