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(Video) This Is What It's Like To Fly Over The Super Bowl In An Air Force F-16

MINNEAPOLIS — There are few things as “USA, USA” as the jets screaming overhead at the start of the Super Bowl. But making that happen at exactly the climax of the national anthem is a pretty complex logistical challenge, particularly when the formation has three generations of air power flying together: an F-16, an A-10, and a World War II-era P-51. I wanted to find out how this works first hand, so we headed to Minneapolis and linked up with the Air Force team getting ready to do the flyover… ( 기타...

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It was always a hoot when the 132nd TFW was still flying out of DSM. (my employer is in the flight path for 13, just outside the outer marker) Hat tip to all who make this go. I miss the sound of a GE F110 disturbing the peace.
Good point - hadn't really thought about it. I grew up in Minnesota and moved to Arizona many years ago. Lived in Tucson for 10 years and Phoenix for the balance. Have had a fairly steady diet of both the A-10s and F-16s, but I must admit I am partial to the A-10.

glang3 4
The video was great. I love the A-10!!
Great Video.

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Yeh, but they make more in a year or two than you or I will in a lifetime.
Not a lifetime. But, we have all seen the NFL guys go from riches to prison and skid row. Catching a ball does not tend to offer much of a skill set in financial management. Oddly, the QB's seem to mostly have their acts together.
Having the Super Bowl here in Minneapolis was great but the fly over of USBank stadium was incredible! Not often we get to see A-10 Warthogs here in the Twin Cities!
would have been better if it was an F-15. i'm just partial to the F15. along with the P51 and A10
Agreed! Being in MN it was my first opportunity to see the A-10's. Flyover was awesome! Best part of the Super Bowl right there.
shrudini 1


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