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Airbus completes final assembly of the first A350-900ULR (Ultra Long Range)

Toulouse - The first Airbus A350-900ULR (Ultra Long Range) was towed out of the final assembly line in Toulouse. With the ability to carry out non-stop 20-hour flights, the aircraft will enter service at Singapore Airlines later this year. ( 기타...

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Mike Boote 13
Holy cow! Twenty hours on a plane! I am both in awe and repelled! :-)
This plane was designed to test the endurance of passengers to numerous bad movies and crying babies while in cramped seating for nearly a complete day and night.

cptharsh 3
20 hours on a flight is amazing !
"With the ability to carry out non-stop 20-hour flights"? They either increase seat/leg room significantly or the flight crew must include 2-3 physicians to treat many passengers suffering from DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)on such flights.
jbermo 2
How much further until you can go halfway around the world. No need to go any further than that.
744pnf 2
B52 24hrs+...but VERY uncomfortable and in IFE.
tom mcdo 2
20 hours on a plane, not unless it had a pool. I can't stand 2 hours.
But is the 20 hours with a full passenger load? Maybe on the long flights it wouldn't be as crowded. I have heard that the Quantas flights from DFW to SYD are not full because the aircraft used cannot carry a full passenger load that far.
Man!!! Airbus is really out pacing old leftist Boeing!!!! good for them!!!


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