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Flying car goes on display in UK, full certification expected in 2020

Inspired by nature, engineered by men and evolved over time, the PAL-V Liberty flying car will have its aviation debut at the Farnborough International Airshow this month. ( 기타...

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linbb 0
Molt Taylor tried years ago and it didn't work out since then when someone gets the same idea it always has the same result. A snake oil salesman goes out, gets people to invest in something that would be hard to make work if at all, walks away with there money OH WELL.
We still can't get reliable self-driving cars and expect people flying that contraption?
No, Just no.
never been a fan of the concept, even given the thousands of flight hours i have done. Relates to the dodo's that will take this to the skies. NO training, no skill, no sense of rules and procedures.

It even looks dumb. There better be some testing involved before anybody flies this .
I’m with you on this one. Although a great jetson’s concept, it would be difficult to handle in all modes and since most people have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time, I forsee a disaster looming. Where do put all the pieces when on the road and good luck getting insurance?


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