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Ryan Air Flight's Dramatic High Wind Take Off in Ireland

High winds in Ireland characterized by Ryan Air as "normal" resulted in a very dramatic cross wind take off as one of their aircraft struggled to lift off, thankfully successfully, as a result of some very skillful piloting. ( 기타...

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Anyone know the runway heading and the wind?
It wouldn’t have been quite so dramatic if he had given some crosswind correction during takeoff. I saw no aileron input until rotation. I’ll bet he never flew a taildragger.
JetDoc66 1
Airliners have aileron defection limits for crosswind takeoffs due to deploying the roll spoilers which in turn increases drag. My current aircraft has a limit of 4 degrees of deflection prior to lift off in crosswind conditions.
He had zero correction. He needed some.
Jay M 727, 737, 757, 767, 787 MD80
He was almost flying a "Tail Dragger" :)
I think he is going to need some new main tires at his destination and may a couple main landing gear inspections for undue side loads on the gear as per ATA 05-51-32 I believe!
I have experienced some "solid" arrivals, but that's a solid departure.
Roy Talbot -2
Great job by the pilot but when did they move Birmingham to Ireland - Part of Brexit
jptq63 1
I would have thought Alabama.... :-)
Where did it say anything about this aircraft leaving Birmingham Ireland??
It's hard to tell from the video however it looks as if the aircraft was just about out of runway on lift off.

Was noticing the same thing...
A careful look shows that it’s just a rise in the runway, so it appears like it’s the end.


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