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New Midwest Express Reaches Agreement to Start Service

Flights will be marketed and sold by Midwest Express, while Elite will provide the aircraft, aircrew, and maintenance. ( 기타...

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Loved the 1st class sized 2x2 seats in the previous iteration!!!!!!!!
linbb 0
What? Another government sponsored airline charging high prices to places that cant make a profit due to low load factors? Wow
thegrump 1
You lost me. I read the linked article, and the only mention of government was this:

"By partnering with Elite, we expedite bringing our service to the market while we pursue federal licenses required to operate independently.”

Those federal licenses are difficult and costly to obtain. An airline must demonstrate to federal regulators that it has the people, facilities, procedures and equipment to operate safely. It also must demonstrate that it has a viable business plan and enough money to remain viable.

The backers don't make any mention of getting any breaks, which is the kind of thing they'd normally be bragging about like crazy in hopes of getting better terms from lenders. Or did I miss something? Only had one cup o coffee today.
Well that's interesting.. Did they acquire the name back from RPA, as they bought out MEP back in the early-mid 2000s?


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