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40,000 Passengers Have Benefited From United’s Connection Saver

United Airlines’ ConnectionSaver tool has proved to be a very successful experiment. Since its launch in February 2019, the product has helped United and its customers to save 40,000 flight connections. ( 기타...

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the "old" way to have a flight shown "out" from the gate ontime,to avoid a delay code being input or points against a gate agent,ground crew or flight crew,was for the captain to do a release to the onboard acars system,which shows the departure time..the captain would only do this if advised of an issue such as connecting passengers,and definitely not for a lengthy period of time...this article states how great it is to hold for 3 minutes with the new system for connecting passengers..i am guessing this applies to ual passengers connecting only, and not persons from other airlines? in any case there are all kinds of codes and reasons for delays,so I am guessing this computer program accounts for holds on the taxiway for gate space for connecting flights,or no gate space at all,or having to wait for an agent to open a door,or a ground crew to guide the flight in, or a multitude of other reasons,up to and including having to run (as at dfw) from terminal a to c to catch a flight for a connection???just systems are not perfect..we all know there are no more point to point flights,as the hub and spoke system came into play to enlarge route structures,promote regional carriers and help out smaller cities..i guess this is supposed to be progress..
Original squawk:

Great to see so many passengers have benefited
Cansojr 2
Its absolutely great to finally see corporate responsibility extend to the airline industry. When so many people can travel under compassion of United Airlines..


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