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Bankrupt WOW Air To Relaunch As PLAY

WOW air is rising from the ashes once again, but this time with a firm plan in place for its relaunch. At a press conference held this morning in Iceland, broadcast by, details of a potential replacement have been revealed. Calling itself PLAY, the new Icelandic airline has some big ambitions and some solid goals. Already the airline has chosen the A321 as its launch aircraft of choice. According to its new CEO Arnar Már Magnusson, this is a good fit for its initial destinations with… ( 기타...

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I can hardly wait for the headline when this new iteration al;so goes bankrupt...PLAY DEAD
The name is a bit absurd, but hey, Iceland needs some more diversity in airlines.
WOW! Let's PLAY an aviation-related game!
How do these people get credit from anywhere to get planes etc?
EU has a negative commercial interest rate and last I heard AB was euro. You can do a startup for anything if you have the appropriate connections, BS, and ba*ls.

hate to see another version of this LCC clutter up the icelandic market with undependable schedules and stupid fares, brings smelly hoards of bargain hunters to this wonderful island.


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