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Overweight Cat Causes Aeroflot To Strip Member Of Air Miles

Aeroflot has stripped a passenger of no less than 400,000 miles because his cat was too fat to fly. Passenger Mikhail Galin was unwilling to place voluptuous Viktor in the hold, and instead devised a fur-midable plan to get the fat feline past security. But bragging on Facebook turned out to be a cat-astrophe. Here’s how it went down. ( 기타...

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I was on a return flight from DFW to SYD last Friday. I was cramped next to a 200 kg man with rancid BO. I started saying prayers at the holding point! I had no idea how we'd be able to lift off!
Been there... Done That.... Once as a Non-Rev, I was seated between 2 Big huge guys that gave me less than 8" of seat and they already had the armrest up... UGH.. I was pissed... Until the FA told me that the Captain would like me to Ride in the Jump Seat... Let me tell you I jumped on that opportunity.... Got to the Cockpit and the Capt told me he heard I had a "Cramped" situation... LOL..
+sparkie624 Interesting stuff mate. IMO fatties are better than kiddies...
That is a close call and up to debate! Sit between 2 of those... you can put on headsets to null the kids, but you can't change that squeeze
To the Gulag ! ! ! Imagination must be punished ! ! !
As I keep saying F/B and social media will be the demise of many a person in the future including future politican's, CEO's, and even some people in our business.
He lost 400K miles on Aeroflot? Wow, that has to be like losing eight bucks. Poor guy.
Aeroflot is part of the Skyteam Alliance, so those miles might have been put to some good use.
LOL...probably a blessing.
8 kg is about 17 lbs. That's pretty good size cat. I can't imagine it fitting under a seat easily, even in business class. Of course the picture showed the cat in his lap. Which probably made all his seat mate unhappy, which is why Aeroflot had that weight limit in the first place. At least it's not a therapy peacock.
Please... "therapy peacock" you are only giving some idiot an idea! When that is in the news next week, I am going to blame you for that one. LOL!
Someone actually tried that.
OMG! That is just too funny!
Already been tried.


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