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Bombardier reports $1.6B US loss for 2019, sells remaining stakes in A220 program

Quebec aerospace giant Bombardier reported a $1.6 billion US loss for 2019 on Thursday, shortly after it announced that it's leaving the commercial aviation business. The multinational corporation said late Wednesday that it sold its remaining stake in the A220 program — formerly known as the C Series — to Airbus. Bombardier has been re-organizing its business in an effort to pay off a multibillion-dollar debt. It released its financial results for 2019 on Thursday. ( 기타...

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What should you expect when government is part owner??
This company has cost tax payers billions, and it aint over yet
Thanks in no small part to a) management incompetence, b) government largesse, c) Boeing and their "Trumped-up" trade war.
Pathetic “at the public trough” company. All the comments here so far are justified. The ultimate corporate welfare business. Quebec being consistently suckerEd by these leeches.

Pretty soon there won't be enough divisions left to sell that they can pay off that huge debt.
Especially after the exec’s get their million’s in severance packages?
A cynic from Montreal said they still have the division that manages oversized bonuses and salary packages for the executives. I wonder if there are any takers for this. ;)


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