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Air Canada Warms To A321LR After Cancelling 737 MAXs

The Airbus A321LR may have an opening to replace Air Canada’s cancelled Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft. Air Canada cancelled 11 737 MAXs in March so it could have flexibility to order other aircraft, according to CFO Michael Rousseau. The change reduced Air Canada’s firm MAX order from 61 to 50. “It gave us some optionality on potentially some other planes we might want to look at in the middle of the decade,” Rousseau told the Wolfe Global Transportation Conference. “Those 11 were basically being… ( 기타...

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Another quote of the full context of the article tto hopefully avoid Boeing bashing..

Rousseau is positive about the 737 MAX 8, of which it has received 24. “We still like the plane,” he said. “It’s very good for Air Canada.”

The 737 MAX can help re-build traffic after COVID-19, Rousseau said.

“We think North American markets come back first,” he said. “Planes like the Airbus A220 and the MAX are the two most efficient planes to support that market.”

Before comments get carried away, please read article and see ACA is still going to have their 737 fleet, just down 11 planes. Makes sense to look at Airbus, seeing as they’ve had an all airbus narrow fleet since the Airbus kickback scandal with Brian Mulroney... is nice to see them having some narrow Boeings in the fleet again tho.


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