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Why San Francisco International Airport is turning off the loudspeaker

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought plenty of changes to airports, from sanitizing stations to mandatory mask wearing. But San Francisco International Airport (SFO) has decided that instead of adding something it'll take something away -- specifically, noise. The new "quiet airport" plan aims to reduce noise throughout SFO by 40%. Step one is making announcements about specific flights boarding or being delayed only at the relevant gate instead of the entire terminal. Related ( 기타...

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jbermo 2
Excellent! Going in the right direction!
Now if others would follow with that damn "the white zone is for loading and unloading of passengers only" LOL.
We often have to overnight in the Anchorage terminal to get back home to Kodiak. On the hour, the time, quarter past, don't smoke, half-hour the time, quarter till, don't leave bags unattended. If you do manage to get a few winks of sleep between the dings and announcements the guys with the backpack vacuums will make sure it isn't for long.
No, the white zone is for loading of passengers and there is no stopping in a RED zone.


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