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The operator of this Boeing 767 private jet says its air system is so advanced it kills COVID so passengers don't need to wear a mask onboard

European aircraft operator Comlux just welcomed back its second-largest plane, a Boeing Business Jet 767, that underwent a four-month refurbishment in the US. ( 기타...

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ADXbear 2
Disgusting display of untouchable wealth...
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
linbb 1
So what good does it do if the person seated close to you has it and coughs? NONE dumb statement as it just filters whatever air is in the caben cannot take care of air around a person quick enough to prevent spread of a virus whatever one that might be. DUMB post.
Working in the industry for literally decades.... I want him to explain that in detail... I call B... well you know the next letter!
linbb 1
Damn straight as to have air moving fast enough in the right direction at all times would result in people putting up with wind. How dumb a post by the operator and then have others on here buy into it. Guess it must have vents below each seat and an intake above each also wow need to see that setup. DUMB
I’m pretty sure the filtration systems are better on the newer aircraft, but as long one is using bleed air for pressurization, even a few drops of oil or deicing fluid can make the air quality pretty acrid. So the filters would have to be very fine to stop vapour droplets which is interesting because in humid climates I’d could make it snow with just the apu running on the ground.
Better yes... But he may be talking about the Corporate version that has better filters... The ones Delta, American and all the others do not have that kind of filtering system... I have replaced those filters... UGH.. They are not that much. Might as well not have any filters.
At least we don’t have the long, brown stain on the fuselage running from the outflow valve due to the smokers? LOL
Yes.... But that is mainly because of smoking no longer allowed... LOL Or it would be.
Dont know the exact tail number, but Google has one almost identical. In livery as well.
it would have been educational to have this article available to read, but i am not willing to remove my adblocker just for the chance to do so. Unfortunate this is not set up for those of us who dislike the avalanche of ads on our systems and have done something simple to remove them.
I've been using a program called Bypass Paywalls and that works great in conjunction with Adblock


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