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Qantas Considers Requiring Passengers To Be Covid-19 Vaccinated Before Traveling With Them

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has said that his team is looking to change the airline’s terms and conditions so that travelers will need to show that they have been Covid-19 vaccinated before boarding one of their aircraft in the future. ( 기타...

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Good job too!

I read in the NYTimes this morning Alan Joyce is taking a lot of flack for this.
How ridiculous.

As an exchange student in 1971; I recall carrying my vaccination book with my passport showing I was inoculated for Cholera and Polio.
This was the way of the world back then and every passport carrying passenger had the same booklet of certifications for world travel.

In 1974 I went to Australia for University and I was still carrying this booklet and my newest addition was a chest x-ray required by the Australian Government showing I was clear of Tuberculosis.

Fast forward to 2020 and it is time to revive the little yellow book and get International travel moving again.

That is great News , I 'd feel safer Knowing all fellow Passengers also have had the injection. Just like Old days Before you travelled you used to get mandoratory 3 jabs to travel o/seas.


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