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Hybrid-electric plane conducts first flight in Hawaii – Honolulu, Hawaii

For the first time, a hybrid electric plane flew over Maui along an actual air route. Ampaire Inc, a Los Angeles-based company focused on electrical aviation made its first 20-minute demonstration flight on a single, hybrid electric plane, Electric EEL, from Kahului Airport on Maui to Hana on November 22nd. ( 기타...

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Excuse my misunderstanding... as I could have believed the conversational content emphasis of actually reducing the ongoing operating expense and pollution of Fossil Fuel usage.
It may be true for Hawaii, but the World's First actual flight for a totally Electrically-Powered Airplane was done ezactly one year ago today, by Canada's Harbour Air in Richmond, BC. Also unassisted by any auxiliary engine powered by aviation fuel to make it all actually achievable. GO CANADA!!! (Check it out on Google folks)
As a fellow Canadian I know about that first all electric flight. In this instance it was a hybrid aircraft, but the major point is that it was a flight between two actual airports following an actual air route.
yes we are ahead !!!!
how much productive load capacity is lost due to massive battery weight?
As you may have read, this is a hybrid aircraft, thus the battery is not as massive as for an all electric aircraft.
but that is not the question - how much payload was lost ??? you don't know I assume.
You could ask for the info at [email protected]
linbb 0
So what? Still how much actual load can it handle? Thats the down side of electric airplanes batteries weigh too much, recharge time and flight time both are not reasonable. HO HUM the flying car still doesnt work either.
Oh, they're coming:
Remember, money talks, and for this application, if the cost goes down as they claim, it makes sense.
A video of the flight can be found here:
As of a few moments ago, the video has had only 25 views since December 8th. That seems incredibly low.
That’s strange indeed. I know there are other videos available, I got my first look via a shorter version with French text from a Montréal newspaper. I then tried to find an English version, that’s the one I posted.
The official press release is here:


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