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AIRBUS A350-1000 Awesome View Approach & Landing in Paris

In the cockpit of the Air Caraibes Airbus A350-1000 for a flight from the Caribbean to Paris Orly Airport. Here you see the approach and landing at Paris from a GoPro camera ( 기타...

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Captain comments on strong wind from the north but lands on runway 25.
Nice! Hand flown??

What happened to English usage for aviation .... ahhhh, the French, opening the door to screw ups .....

I found it interesting that they spoke (what sounded like) native French to the controllers, but spoke English to each other. Is that a carrier requirement?
For the filming we always ask crews to speak in English... and they did with the exception of ATC communications because they have a company policy to speak French wherever French is spoken... its rare because when we film airlines like Air France, Corsair etc... they do speak English to ATC when we're filming.
Somewhere over France....
Young French first officer: “We’re a French crew talking to French controllers: why do we have to speak English?”
Seasoned French captain: “ Because the Yanks won the war. Otherwise we’d all be speaking German.”
I have listened to ATC departure and arrival comms in several European countries and it is quite normal to hear the native language being used for basic greetings and some flight instructions, albeit with English being the dominant use. It would be interesting to see the empirical data on air prox events, to see if any relations can be drawn to the use of non-standard aviation language!
My concern, being sort of bi-lingual, is that when one is “in the zone” or under stress, and is thinking in one language, that having the second one tossed in can be de-railing ... if not in the brain, then the mouth .....
Agreed Ray!
Correct. I can tell you from experience, it REALLY affects a pilot's situational awareness when you can't understand what other pilots/controllers are saying to each other. It's most noticeable in the terminal area.
Good point, never really considered that. Always good to hear from the proverbial 'Horse's mouth' on these issues!
The pilot could start working in Hollywood right away as a voice over for French speaking characters. :)
ph gero 4
Nice clouds and fog
lovely example of multiple levels of overcast, not very thick or deep. Nice breakout, runway in sight, a bit of taxi, plenty of room at airport. Lovely, very lovely,,,,


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