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Incapacitated Pilot Prompts ANA Boeing 787 Diversion

A Captain suffering a suspected stroke caused the hasty diversion of an All Nippon Airways (ANA) Dreamliner on Monday. ( 기타...

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Had you posted this thread for the probative value illustrated in the fact that the second qualified pilot saved the day, if not the life of the Captain, it wouldn't be so easily down voted. The old school here know you posted it because it occurred in a Boeing aircraft. The obvious bias never goes unnoticed!
Amen I couldn’t have said it better to myself.
canuck44 2
Given the distance of the light there were most likely three pilots on board even for a ferry flight. As it turns out Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia and the largest in Asia Russia with a population of 1.6 million. They have available all the diagnostic and therapeutic care. Hopefully his stroke was of the obstuctive type not the hemorrhagic variety.
Another MH370 post - Captain's Cerebral Vascular Accident is now a Boeing design failure.


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