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Bell's Plan To Finally Realize A Rotorcraft That Flies Like A Jet But Hovers Like A Helicopter

Bell has provided The War Zone with exclusive details about its recently revealed concepts for future High-Speed Vertical Take-Off and Landing, or HSVTOL, aircraft, which we looked at initially in this previous article. While being able to takeoff and land vertically using rotors and fly at jet speeds in forward flight sounds far-fetched, it turns out that there is decades of elaborate risk reduction work and general research already done on this exact concept. As such, actually realizing such a… ( 기타...

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The evolution of Technology. Who knows where it will lead?
Who is footing the bill?
People have been trying to develop this almost as long as others have been trying to develop a "flying car". Good luck. How many young marines died in the V-22?
But, we did develop flying cars, a lot of them!
user3956 1
The stop-and-fold prop tech is pretty cool.
Bell can’t even certify their 525 in 10 years. They need to look at reality. They dream too much
Great a new Jump Jet ! lets call it the Hairier II
Why the need for a crew anyway unless in a search and rescue role.
lynx318 5
"Bell thinks it can build a survivable, long-range, high-speed, VTOL aircraft adapted to tomorrow's wars."

Depends on what it's surviving.😆
....that's sorta' subjective....


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