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The Top Five Shortest Flights in America

Five of the shortest flights in the mainland United States. These routes are still flying thanks to the Essential Air Service Act. ( 기타...

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Only one of the so-called “top five” routes shilled in this article gets Essential Air Service subsidy: Washington KIAD - Shenandoah Valley KSHD.

See list of eligible EAS communities:

Most really short segments now flown serve to route passengers to/from big connecting hubs. In the pre-deregulation days, “puddle-jump” multi-stop direct routes with short segments were common, with passengers getting on and off at each stop. I remember flying between BOS and CLE with stops at SYR and BUF.
In the late 40’s flew from Detroit City to Flint, MI, 56 miles, in a DC 3
Comair used to fly Cincinnati CVG to Dayton DAY. AS soon as we were done climbing out of CVG it was time to descend into DAY.
For the contiguous 48 states, I frequently fly DL between AVL & ATL. Not counting ATC delays, the flights are 26 minutes wheels up to wheels down.
Inter island Hawaiian flights are short and few weather/flow control delays.


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