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Antonov AN-225 Mriya to Be Restored

The Antonov AN-225 Mriya, the world's largest aircraft, was destroyed by Russian forces, Ukraine confirmed in a Tweet Saturday morning. The aircraft was parked on an airfield near Kyiv, Ukraine's capital, when it was attacked by the Russians. According to Ukroboronprom, the state defense company that manages Antonov, "One of the engines was dismantled for repairs and the plane wasn’t able to take off that day, although the appropriate commands were given." Although the… ( 기타...

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I would agree with Torsten Hoff: Photos of the burned wreckage show complete destruction. Attempts to restore this huge beast could only be described as "Antonov AN-225 rising from the ashes".
Second airframe info
There is no chance of the AN-225 being restored given the massive fire erupting from the center of the aircraft in the picture in the article below:
linbb 1
I see smoke in the pix indicated no flames or massive fire. If it was an early pix and the fire had just started ok but massive the cover would have collapsed more. Not saying the AC isnt totaled the views dont even show what is on fire.
It’s at the very top of the article I linked to, not the article for this squawk. You can see flames from the fuselage shooting through the hangar roof and the left wing tip on or near the ground.
I think they will actually end up finishing the other 225 that they seem to still have somewhere.
linbb 2
That was my take on it that was discussed some years back the pix of that one seemed to be inside some very large facility it was on a TV doc.


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